Why you need a website for your business in 2024


Before we let you know the reasons why you might need a website, we shall first give you brief information about what a  website is and what it takes to have one. 

Web Design & Hosting

Before we let you know the reasons why you might need a website, we shall first give you brief information about what a  website is and what it takes to have one.

What is a website?

 A website is a collection of web pages such as the one you are looking at right now.Nowadays people visit websites to look out for information they badly need, or do something vital; this could be like downloading software, or buying something online. I always regularly look out for new software online t download. Likewise, I always participate in live discussions on many chat sites.

The internet has a population of 4.2 billion users worldwide, and of these, If you own any business, whether big or small, it is high time you get your business online

In an era of social media, where are 4.66 billion active internet users, you realize having a website could put you a step ahead of your competitors. (DataReportal, 2021)

Given the world’s population of 7.83 billion individuals, this interprets to a worldwide internet access rate of around 59.5 percent. In other words, the web is utilized by more than half of the world’s population. Since when the internet was introduced and publicly accessible in 1991 – about 30 a long time back – the world has come a long way.

Nine years later, at the era’s turn, 361 million individuals throughout the world had internet connection. Fast forward another two decades, and today, more than six out of 10 people on the planet, or 65.6 percent, have access to the Internet (Internet World Stats, 2021).

Nowadays, having a website is as important as having a shop, office, or phone number.

Keywords used in website designing:

Domain Name: A domain name is a unique, easy-to-remember address used to access websites, such as ‘karteltech.net’. Your website domain name is unique, and once you have registered it, no one else can register the same. you have to register it and renew it annually.

Hosting: Your web host is the server where your files are housed and maintained. Choosing the right hosting is vitally important, and there are lots of options out there.

Landing Page: The first page a visitor visits on your site. This could be your homepage, or a special page created to encourage a specific action. You can find out more about landing pages on our Landing Page Optimization blog.

SEO: Another popular acronym on our blog: Search Engine Optimization. It’s the practice of optimizing your content for search engines. It includes using keyword strategies, among other techniques.

SSL Certificate: See that padlock next to our URL? That indicates that our site is secure thanks to a Secure Sockets Layer certificate. It’s a security protocol necessary for encrypted communication.

URL: Uniform Resource Locator. It’s a website pages full address.

Reasons why your business needs a website

According to research, 6 out of 10 buyers expect brands/businesses to have a presence online around their specific businesses.

Why hold up any longer when your clients are seeking out you! In the process that you possess or operate a business that hasn’t taken that step into the online world, here are reasons that will take off you wondering why you hadn’t done it earlier.


Marketing is the essential tool utilized to develop a brand. Whereas a few companies spend millions of dollars to showcase their products, you’ll be able to advertise your school for free on your website without investing a dime in advertising.

Online Presence 24/7:

Having a website implies clients (parents) are continuously able to discover you – anytime, anyplace. Indeed, even out of your business hours, your website proceeds to discover and secure ready clients and keep them updated about your business. Your website acts as a 24-hour sales representative. You1II offer your service/products through your website.

Connect with new customers:

Whereas you might as of now have recognized clients, a website is the most noteworthy way to associate with new customers who may well be new along with the products you offer at your school.


Not anything in business is more key than the capability to be found up online. Within the occurrence where some businesses don’t have a built-up online presence, at that point clients won’t find you online is the fastest way to lose legality as a brand. It makes your business look old-fashioned, and out of touch and people will not accept you or be hard to trust you with their children.

Showcase your work:

No matter the sort of business you are into, an online website could be a tremendous way to impress and showcase what you offer in your business. By including a portfolio or picture gallery, as well as recommendations approximately about your work, you1II be able show what makes your business one of a kind from your competitors.


A website saves you time. Put all info about your business online, which will be available to customers forever. No need to waste time providing information about your business to your customers, whether on the phone or face-to-face, in a brochure or emails. Remember time is money!


Websites are very affordable not very expensive as you may think. Building and maintaining a website is easier and cheaper than ever before.

Information Exchange

At its least complex, websites give a fast and simple way of communicating information between the business owner and the customers. You can highlight customers when your business is open and closing, contact data, showcase your product images, and use the very many forms to gather further information from the already existing customers and this can help to improve your brand since it’s a direct one to one communication with your customers

Competitors Online

In the incidence that you don’t have an online presence it is intensely likely that your competitor will do so, this implies that you just are losing out on latest customers who might be interested in your products or service, its therefore very vital that no openings are missed and are picked up by the competition, have an online presence today, Challenge your competitors.

Other costs after creating your website that may be involved may include;

  1. Content creation
  2. Brand identity; including the logo
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Once your website is complete, you will need extra effort to have it visible in search engines such as Google.

More reasons Why having a website matters

Today, more of our lives are powered by digital services. Often, we turn to our mobile phone, tablet and laptop searching online for answers and useful advice when we want to make informed decision about a product or service.

This shift is challenging businesses to adapt and innovate faster than ever, by focusing their marketing efforts on creating helpful experiences through their websites that educate and empower their target audience.

How it affects your brand

Consumers’ expectations have changed, people prefer to interact with brands and shop online, across the world, 81% of consumers say they shop online since the start of the pandemic, and 92% say they will continue this new behavior in the long term.

Businesses that recognize the opportunities in this shift in consumer behavior, and make it easier for prospects to reach them and experience their brands through their websites have ultimately positioned themselves for wins – brand recognition, profit, and market share in their niche.

Albert Kartel

Albert Kartel

Author for Kartel Tech
Anything concerning with tech, we are longtime friends. Miss buying internet bundles, miss me.

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